Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene

The Collect

O ALMIGHTY God, whose blessed Son did sanctify Mary Magdalene, and call her to be a witness to his Resurrection: Mercifully grant that by thy grace we may be healed of all our infirmities, and serve thee in the power of his endless life; who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen.

Readings: (2 Corinthians v. 14; Saint John xx. 1)

Saint Mary was given the name Magdalene because, though a Jewish girl, she lived in a Gentile town called Magdale, in northern Galilee, and her culture and manners were those of a Gentile. St. Luke records that she was a notorious sinner, and had seven devils removed from her.

Mary Magdalene is affirmed as a saint by the Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Lutheran churches and today is her feast day.
