Our Mission, Vision & Mandate

As partners in the Fellowship of Saint Francis-in-the-Streets it is our mission to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, living out our Anglican heritage with a Franciscan spirituality in the midst of a diverse and ever-changing global community.

Led by the Spirit of God and blessed with a unique diversity, we joyfully welcome all people, and as a community of faith, with our Sunday worship celebration as the source of our strength, are inspired by the vision of Saints Francis and Clare:
  1. We come together to seek the face of Jesus Christ in every person we meet, respecting the dignity and affirming the value of each individual.
  2. We come together as partners in ministry, reaching out 'to the street' with love and compassion for all people - the poor, the elderly, the shut-ins, the lonely, single parents, children and young adults, those alienated, and those un-welcomed.
  3. We come together embracing the gifts of our members, and it is through God's grace that we are empowered to share these gifts with each other, both within the local community and inside our church.
  4. We come together as a reconciling community, trusting in God alone, who turns our hearts to peace and all-goodness. We stand as a people committed to seeking the kingdom of God, where enemies begin to speak to one another and those who are estranged join hands in friendship.

Our mandate is to answer God's call to Saint Francis to 'go and rebuild My Church', to deliver the Good News of Jesus Christ, and to love God in all of God's creation.